5:00 J. Foley 5:45 Final Boss 6:30 Thurn and Taxis 7:15 Forces 8:00 Reindeer Castle 8:45 Least Best Beast (Peeskill, NY) 9:30 Cushing (Portland, ME) 10:15 Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death (Jersey City, NJ) 11:00 We Ride On 11:45 Superblonde 12:30 Goddard (Worcester, MA) 1:15 Bbigpigg
PRF NYC is a gathering of independent music fans and friends that met through Electrical Audio's forum section. This will be the second hosting of the PRF ( the jocularly dubbed "premier rock forum") in New York City, following previous PRF events in Chicago, Milwaukee, Louisville, the San Francisco Bay Area, among others. United by a shared interest in record engineering, independent music, and aluminum guitars, PRF NYC is an event to bring this community of bands together.